(copy from splashy Slackware Installation)
Notes This page applies to Splashy 0.3.6 and older.
Compiling Dependencies
Slackware includes glib2 in the l/ diskset, but Splashy needs the static libraries, along with the shared libraries. To do this, you need to grab the contents of source/l/glib2/ from your favorite mirror. Next you need to add –enable-static to your ./configure section and increment BUILD. Now build the package with
# ./glib2.SlackBuild
This package can now be installed with
# upgradepkg /tmp/glib2-2.12.12-i486-2.tgz
Like glib2, freetype is included in Slackware, but needs to be rebuilt to include the static libraries. You need the files from /source/l/freetype like above. The static libraries are built by default, but are deleted by the build script. To preserve these libraries, you need to comment the following line:
rm -f $PKG/usr/lib/*.a
Increment BUILD in this file too, then run
# upgradepkg /tmp/freetype-2.3.4-i486-4.tgz
Eric Hameleers has created a SlackBuild for DirectFB which is available from his SlackBuilds Repository. Simply grab the three files from there, and execute directfb.SlackBuild.
Eric also created SlackBuild for Splashy which is available from a here.
Pre-Built Binary
If all of the above seems like too much work, and you would rather use a prebuilt binary instead, Eric Hameleers has a binary package based on the above SlackBuild for Splashy 0.3.5 on Slackware 12.0, which is available here.
As of now, the only known way of running Splashy during boot is by editing /etc/rc.d/rc.S and /etc/rc.d/rc.M. This is very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, so it is imperative to make backups of these files before you start.
I added the following to the beginning of /etc/rc.d/rc.S
# Start Splashy
/sbin/splashy boot
I then added the following line after each “paragraph” of rc.S and rc.M
/sbin/splashy_update "progress #"
Updating # with the actual percentage as I went along.
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